Thursday, September 10, 2009


Most people hears the word hero, and the first thing that comes to mind is saving someone's life. Whether its saving someone from death, embarrassment, or even saving someone of getting their feelings hurt; The word hero could mean so many different things.
To me a hero is someone you can always depend on to be there for you when you need them to be. No matter what time it is, or Where you are, or how small the situation is; they will be there. They will postpone all their plans just to be there for you.
A hero to me also means someone who listens to you and gives you good feed back. They listen to all our problems without cutting you off, without withholding information, and most certaintly without lying to you. They give you great advice, and tells you what you need to hear not what you want to hear.
When someone takes up for you, stands up for your principles, stands by your side, and tells the other person off, thats a hero to me. They are courageous and shows no cowardly action. A hero to me means putting someone else before yourself. Putting your own beliefs on the line to save that person some embarrassment.
A hero is a friend, someone who sticks with you through thick and thin. Someone that cares about you. Someone who loves you, and worries about how you are doing throughout the day. They are considerate of your feelings. They want to know your concerns and howd to help you. They are involved in your life, they make a big difference. Their your role model and can determine what kind of hero you will someday be to someone else.That is my kind of hero.
In the story A&P, the character Sammy potrays himself as a hero by quiting his job for the sake of the girls in the store to show his courageous efforts to be noticed. Sammy in some terms is an example of what a hero is to me. I wouldnt have quit my job over something so minor but love for someone to stand up for me in a situation like that.

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