Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Peer Review Reaction

Tuesday we did peer reviews. Usually i am not comfortable with allowing other students to read, check, and judge my work. I realized tuesday that it's not all about that its about allowing your peers to give there opinion about your paper and allow them to help you. Sometimes another classmate may know more or know what they are doing more than you do. I was actually kind of glad that my classmates Kelsey and Rebecca looked over my paper. I think it really helped me. Judging by there papers i think they did way better than i and i was anxious to get some truthful feedback. In the end i think they both helped me out alot and gave me a good idea of what i need to do and changes that i need to make with my paper. So yes, it was helpful.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad it was helpful. I totally understand why people are reluctant to have others do that, but I have found that it can really be a good way for stuff to get worked out before I see the paper. It's really hard to step outside of your paper once you've done it. Peer editing gives you that chance.
