Monday, November 30, 2009


I've talked about my job before earlier in the blog. I work at a daycare. Out of all the parents at the center, I can say about 5 of them really care about how their child is doing at the center. But the majority of the parents dont care. They dont ask about their child. They have any and everyone come and try to pick their child up from the daycare, or off the bus. I barely see who the real parents are. It's very hard to communicate with them like that. It's sad. When all these parents act like that, it's harder to work with the children, and it makes it harder on the teacher. I just hope that nothing bad ever happens to the parents or the child becuase someone will be without a loved one and they will regret not spending the quality time with their children.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is so so sad. It's really amazing to me that people choose to have children and then are not prepared to do well by them. Sure, it's hard being a parent, but, fact is, once you're in it, there's really no excuse for not rising to the challenge. I'm really grateful for people like you who care for children. My daughter was abused by her birth mother and it was the daycare worker who reported the situation, likely saving her life. You know what they say, it takes a license to drive a car, but anyone can have a kid.
